Filming flights

- News and commercial filming
- Movie and TV-serie productions. Filming and logistics
- Sport events, such as Levi Alpine Ski World Cup and Neste Oil Rally Finland
- Nature filming and photography
- Gyro stabilized nose and side mounts


Aerial Lifting Operations

- We provide reliable aerial lifting service.
- You will get from us all of the necessary lifting material such as cargo slings and various hooks and ground personnel to operate these.
- During our history we have lifted various material e.g. research drills for mining companies, lighting masts in skiresorts and construction material to remote cabin
- Our helicopter AS 350B2 "Ecureuil" have maximum practical lifting capacity of 1000kg.


Other services

- Powerline checks- Search and Rescue, firefighting, environment hazard mapping
- Research and measurement flights
- Game counting
- Mapping flights
- Mining and geological projects. Logistics with such items as: critical samples, spare parts, measurement instruments and personnel
- Cargo and critical spare part logistics